Tuesday, December 25, 2007

India as an IT Superpower !!

When will India become an IT superpower?

A. 2008
B. 2010
C. 2015
D. It already is!

Most of you would choose either B or D as the answer. But the fact is that the answer to this question does not lie in any of the four choices given above! The correct answer to this question is that India has the potential to become an IT superpower but that will happen only when we want it to happen: we, the Indian Computer Engineers of this decade!

If someone says that India is already an IT superpower, that person is lying and trying to gain some mileage out of this statement. This statement won't be true unless Indian engineers start defining technology, not following it!

For the past five decades, the majority of successful IT companies have originated in the United States. When India began emerging as a power in this field during the late 1990's, it was relegated to the establishment of companies that handle the "so-called menial" tasks considered inferior by those US-based IT companies ... and the trend continues until today!

I guess its time for us to realize our potential and understand what we can do on our part to make India an IT superpower asap. Organizations like Reliance will definitely have a role to play in it. But I believe that at our own personal level, we "Indian Computer Engineers" will have to stop running like dogs (with our tongues sticking out) after jobs in US-based firms, irrespective of whether they have magnificent offices in India or not. We need to think out of the box and do something special for our country - the country that made us capable of running like dogs after firms which simply follow this strategy:

"First you need a buzzword, then a second and a third.
Find yourself an engineer (we)
Feed him pizza (or may be idli-sambhar), buy him beer (or may be scotch too)
Give him just a fraction of the fraction of the pie (yeah... this is the tastiest part !!)"

- Adapted from the song "Here Comes Another Bubble" by The Ritcher Scales.

Now can you guess why the question that this blog started with did not have the correct answer in any of the options provided? That's because even this blog is hosted on US servers !! :)

Time to wake-up guys!
Subah ho gayi hai
Its time to make India rock the world!
Tum chaloge to Hindustan chalega .. Jai Hind !!

1 comment:

Nix said...

I knew you would use the song somewhere! Congrats on your new blog! And I am happy you didn't choose option D as some Indians do unwilling to harness the potential we're standing on.